Wendy Pollock, MA, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
Wendy Pollock, MA, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
Waitlist for virtual appointments, offered in CO and GA
Waitlist for in-person at my Peachtree City, GA location only
I would be honored to partner with you on your journey of healing and self-discovery.
As a Licensed Professional Counselor in both Colorado and Georgia, I have over sixteen years' experience working with adults, adolescents/teens, individuals, couples, and families
on a variety of issues, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder,
abuse/trauma, PTSD, and relationship issues.
Please click on the About page to learn more about my experience and
therapeutic approach, as well as insurance plans accepted.
View my Psychology Today listing at:
Office Locations
14 Eastbrook Bend, Ste 107, Peachtree City, GA 30269
80 Garden Ctr, Ste 152, Broomfield, CO 80020